Released in the late 60s, the Hitachi Magic Wand made a huge name for itself and has dominated the sex toy industry for over 50 years. Read through the history of what makes this vibrator so iconic.
Tag: feminist
I grew up in the Girl Scouts of America and it became a huge part of who I am today. I had the opportunity to experience so many great things growing up that I owe to the organization. Girl Scouting gave me the confidence to be a feminist…and the practical skills to be a kinkster.
If you’ve ever wondered about my name and what it means to be a submissive feminist, I’ve spelled it out for you in this piece. While it may seem “ironic” at first glance, I’ve grown to realize that it makes perfect sense to combine these identities. My sexual submission is a feminist act at the core.
Should men be identifying as feminists? How would a man go about supporting feminism without speaking over women in the process? Any men interested in learning how to be a good ally should take a look at these ways to support women.